The Rise of the Manuka Honey


Slowly, the popularity of Manuka honey has become huge and more people know about this new craze. Honey is something eaten for millennia and it is a food engraved into history. Manuka honey is a new honey perhaps only now known with special characteristics in tow. Today is the start of the time you have known Manuka honey. The take away could be the one changing your health problems and solving them forever.


Unlike other types of honey, Manuka is a monofloral honey, which means it is produced from a single type of plant. The honey comes from the Manuka tree a close relative of the Tea Trees. Manuka is found and quite endemic in the greater parts of New Zealand and also some parts of Australia. The plant has been seen growing all over the North island of New Zealand.


Just like any other honey, Manuka honey also has anti-bacterial properties. It is able to kill bacteria due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and also having an acidic PH occurring naturally. This ability to kill germs has been known as the Unique Manuka Factor. This so-called UMF has catapulted this type of honey to a rock star status. The honey has become a staple and now considered as medicinal-grade owing to the ability to kill even antibiotic resistant microbes.


People should know not all Manuka honey has the UMF. Tests are done to determine which among the batches have UMF. UMF is quite rate as only 10 percent of the batches will have it. Scientists have yet to figure out why the rarity. Manuka, also known as healing honey, is now being accepted for use in therapy.


Manuka honey has been known by the aborigines. These people knew about the medical properties of the honey. This honey has plenty of compounds driving the ability to kill a bacteria on top. Aborigines have been using Manuka honey as an antiseptic. The honey can also help people against tooth infections occurring commonly after tooth extractions. People with acne can also get help from the honey. It is also known the honey can help regenerate the lost skin cells and tissue.


A word to the unwise: it is best to consult a doctor before using the Nutella product. There is nothing short of remarkable on how this honey can help save lives.


Laboratory testing has standardized the labeling to guide buyers on the level of UMF in each honey. Honey known with the code UMF 10 is already accepted as medical-grade.  


You can always find reputable sites selling Manuka honey. It is best to know how to choose the quality honey deserving of your palate. You may also check this: